Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What is the difference between a "Hood Cleaner" and a "Kitchen Exhaust Cleaner"

Almost daily we are confronted with restaurants who tell us they already have a hood cleaner. After an initial inspection we find that in truth they do have a "hood cleaner" rather than a Kitchen Exhaust Cleaner.

A Hood Cleaner will clean the hoods, and filters and back splash. Some will clean the hoods behind the filters, others won't.

A Kitchen Exhaust Cleaner will clean EVERYTHING from the back splash through the filter, exhaust duct to and including the fan. This is what is required by NFPA 96, the standard that your fire marshal and insurance company follow.

Merely cleaning the visible, easy to get to areas is not enough and will put you at risk of fire in your exhaust system. In addition, neglecting the fan and duct work will cause your fan to work much harder, drastically decreasing its life. Without a properly working fan your kitchen will become smoky and can smell like old grease.

Hood cleaners give restaurant owners a false sense of security. Since most owners/managers will not go on the roof and inspect the fan and ductwork, they think their system is clean and to code. If a company says they clean the ductwork and fans, make them prove it!

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